So nothing much. Have been studying for the whole day long and am kinda tired! So, i have the sudden urge to blog but don't worry. It's not gonna be a long post as i need to get back to my study table to do the final touch up for my physics!

Sigh, finals is no longer a week time but just a few days time. Hmmm, we can actually also put it like probably less than 48 hours? So... So... So.... I know its gonna be a hard time for each and everyone of us. Finals werd! Yeah, i know i screwed up some of my test or quizzes or assignments, but at this point in time, i think there is no time for us to think bout those stuff anymore. Might as well just look ahead and study as much as possible to refresh what we don't understand. This sounded better compared to thinking bout all the bad past. The best way to do now is to study smart and no longer study hard as we are competing with time!!!

Yeah, i think that's all for now. Wishing you guys all the best in your finals! Best of luck... Gambateh peeps!!!
Ga yao!
Jia you!
whatever it is.... Hahaa
